Friday, May 20, 2011

The Fashion Hits Just Keep On Comin'

As I was boarding my very early flight this morning in Atlanta, I was struck by what I saw. At first, I thought I was seeing things. I was a bit bleary-eyed from the redeye flight from LAX, but I rubbed my eyes and sure enough, there it was. The man from the American Gothic painting was on my flight. Imagine my surprise when the overall-wearing, sportcoat clad farmer walked onto my plane!!!

Yep, except he wasn't carrying a pitchfork and he was wearing a really bad ball cap. I felt I had a brush with celebrity.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Air Travel Has Definitely Lost Its Cachet

Remember back when people actually cared what they looked like? Back when is was not acceptable to wear pajamas or house slippers in public? Well, apparently those days are long gone. Today I traveled to Los Angeles from the Memphis International Airport. Now, I'm not picking on my fair city, it jsut happened to be where I was.

And frankly, girl in line in security, I don't care to see your navel or your stomach, no matter how flat or tan it is. And Mr. Sloppy, you shouldn't wear house slippers on a plane. With tube socks, no less. And oh, by the way, 14 year old girl who looks like you are 25, I don't care to see any writing across your behind. I don't care how much you "LOVE PINK" or how "JUICY" it is. (And don't even get me started on how I feel these types of sweat pants lead the sexualization of young women in our society!) And to you, Missy, pajamas aren't cute on anyone -- especially at the airport -- unless you are 5 years of age or below. Then it is only acceptable under certain circumstances.

And these rules don't just apply to the airport. It seems no matter where I am, Kroger, Target, Walgreens, or a t-ball game, I see people in inappropriate clothing. I have always abided by the rule "just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it." That philosophy goes with so many things.

So, no, size 24 lady, you shouldn't be wearing a halter top. No, man with a size 54 waist, you shouldn't be wearing a muscle under armour shirt that is too short and shows your belly. Now, I'm not saying there should be a dress code and I'm not making fun of overweight people, but seriously?!?!?!? If any of your body parts are hanging out, then it doesn't fit. Period.

And that goes for little skinny folks, too. Hey you, yeah you, over there, the very tanned (with a tanning bed) skinny 18 year old with the low rise jeans. I don't care to see your butterfly tramp stamp. I think you have the freedom to have one if you want, but why should I subjected to see your ill-fated attempt at being cool? Or was it just that you had too much PGA punch at that graduation party?

And seriously, young man. Pull up your pants. You shouldn't have to walk around holding them up and I frankly don't care to see your boxer shorts. I don't care what brand they are.

That is all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thanks for the concern, but I'm not dead

I know it has been a while since I blogged, but things have kinda been happening at a pace I can barely process. Here's a laundry list:

  • New House: The Ray Family has moved to Germantown into a bigger house. We like to call it our "forever house." Mainly, because it is perfect for us, but also because we hate moving so badly. I.  Despise.  It. Yall come see us. Bring your momma 'n 'nem.  
  • Family and Kids: the preschool politician keeps us busy with his social engagements and is playing socer and baseball. School's about to be out and as usual, we have him trapesing all over the city on the campaign trail. Little Zane will be ONE May 17th. WHAT?!!??!?! That just can't be right.
  • Work: work has been insane lately. Insane is not bad, insane is just crazy busy. I'ven been traveling quite a bit, have been giving several great projects that are requiring a good bit of my time, press and PR efforts are picking up. (woot woot! let's hear it for HGI!!!!)
  • March Madness: yes, you know I was completely obsessed with the NCAA tournament as usual. I'm likely the only mom that schedules her children's activities and napping habits around the tournamen in March.
  • Floodwatch 2011: its a global story-- the Mississippi River at record highs flooding downtown and other parts of West Tennessee. They say my home county of Lauderdale is 52% under water. Folks in Shelby County are at shelters. It's very sad.
  • Grizzlies Watch 2011: everybody on the bandwagon (including me!) You know I love college basketball but the NBA, not so much. But we do love us some Grizzlies. The team, led by perhaps the most under-rated coach in the NBA, Lionel Hollins, is doing the unthinkable as a #8 seed and making a run in the playoffs. I haven't seen the city come together and get behind something since the Tigers in 2008. But I LOVE IT! It makes me proud to be a Memphian. A Memphian by choice!
And in true Dawn Ray of Sunshine fashion, I have to talk about Tiger Woods just a bit. Poor baby, Tiger Woods. He's hurt. He's at his lowest ranking  in years... maybe ever. Does anyone really care? I don't.

Brett Favre: well, he did it again. He retired. Again. Thank Goodness! Let's see how long it lasts. On a positive note for Brett, he at least is doing some good in the South and aiding in the clean up of the Alabama tornadoes. Of course, he's probably doing it for PR reasons, says the PR girls, but still. It's a good deed nonetheless, and I thank him for it.

I hope you have enjoyed my return to blogging. I have so many things to say and I need to make time to say them. (most of you who know me know I am very rarely at a loss for words.) It just seems to be lately that I am short on time.