Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Plan B

Last week I was at a very enjoyable dinner (one of the most enjoyable dinner with coworkers in recent memory) during a work trip and the subject of a Plan B came up. Now, I'm not talking about your contingency plan for if your work goes through layoffs and transformation, or even your plan B if something doesn't go the way you expected with a work project. Hell, I'm not even talking about what Plan B would be if you ordered the chicken special for dinner and they didn't have it anymore.

I'm talking about what your Plan B is if your current life situation doesn't work out. Please allow me to elaborate...

I'm at this dinner with some very good and very funny company. I'm not exactly sure how it came up, but someone at the dinner professed they had found their Plan B if their marriage didn't work out. (Please note I am using incorrect grammar instead of the proper pronouns-- he/she, his/her etc.) This dinner companion said they had their Plan B all picked out in form of a same sex life partner. It was funny, because this person is not gay and is in a heterosexual marriage.

That spurred the conversation of someone else (another of my co workers) talking about Plan B and I am sorry to say that I wasn't anyone's Plan B. I was, in a word, devastated. Here I am, thinking I am charming and funny, and none of my coworkers has picked me as their same sex life partner Plan B.

Now, it may sound trivial, but I was a tad hurt. I think I'm the total package: okay-looking, funny, witty, smart. Apparently not enough for my co workers to consider me their Plan B. Of course, I am a heterosexual woman, with a fantastic husband and two beautiful children. I don't really think I need a Plan B. But it would be nice to know I was someone's Plan B. I'm just sayin'...

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