Thursday, September 8, 2016

Kids, Please Try and Stay Away from the Baby Food... I know it is Tempting

Today I went to see my doctor for my two-week (16 day) post-op checkup. I was ready for the verdict. I've been doing exactly what I was supposed to do -- walking every day, only drinking ( non-alcoholic, much to my chagrin) liquids and drinking my water. Today was my official first post-op weigh-in. Drum roll please......

I have lost 19.5 pounds (according to his scale) since the surgery August 23!! (and yes, I know I posted a 20 pound weight loss earlier this week, but I am going by his official scale-- even though I don't really want to.) Since mid-July, I am down 34.5 pounds! WOOT WOOT!!! 

He said I was doing very well and he was as close to pleasant as I've ever seen him. (That's definitely a post for another time...his bedside manner may be lacking a bit.) Just ask any of his patients or the nurses who treat his patients. But he's the best bariatric surgeon around, and has a zero infection rate.

Best news of all, I got to move on to phase II of the post-op diet. The delightful, delectable and delicious pureed food stage. (Cue the angels singing.) This includes runny oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese, egg beaters, pureed soups, pureed fruits and pureed vegetables. Oh, and mashed potatoes for a starch. Only in small quantities-- I'm talking about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup.

I wanted to be prepared to eat such yummy goodness, so I went to the grocery store as soon as I left the doctor. I got all kinds of fantastic foods--cottage cheese, soups to puree, green beans and baby food. Wait, what? Yes, I bought baby food. When my kiddos were babies, I always tasted everything I fed them. I didn't want to give them gross baby food (which some it definitely is-- I'm talking to you, pureed chicken and rice-- yuck.) Anyway, I remembered the fruits and sweet potatoes weren't bad, so I got some peaches, bananas and sweet potatoes. I thought that might be easier than just pureeing everything, especially when I go back to work next week. (Plus, you guys know me, if I can purchase it instead of making it, I will.)

I came home and cooked some green beans and pureed those. Look at me, I'm a regular Rachael Ray/Martha Stewart/Pioneer Woman. Except those women are thin. And richer.

Oh, and I also ate the best damn yogurt ever. Seriously. Here it is...

It was like heaven in a 4 ounce cup. I sprinkled a little vanilla protein powder in there and voila! I have never been so damn excited to have yogurt. And I've also never been so damn full. WOW! WTF? 4 ounces filled me up so much. It's a Christmas miracle!!!!

I also ate dinner with my family at the table - a first in about 2 1/2 weeks. I cooked them a delicious dinner of pork chops, cinnamon apples, mashed potatoes, gravy and biscuits (those were from a can - my specialty!) It might have been better than fried chicken, which  is my favorite. Okay, that's total bullshit, but still, it was heavenly to feel like a normal person sitting down with my family for dinner. 

I walked 3.5 miles this morning with a friend and it was awesome to catch up and enjoy one of our city's many green lines. All in all, today was a good day. I had delicious food (it's all relative), I watched a little Netflix, I walked and visited with a friend, I cooked dinner and ate it at the table with my family. Tomorrow, I just may dig into that baby food. 


  1. I love your blog posts! Keep em coming. I almost missed this one. It sounds like you are making the most of it all and have a good attitude.

  2. Glad you're doing well. As a previous employee at the hospital and running into him, I know he most definitely isn't pleasant! Can't wait for that blog! Proud of you!!!!
