And not just every Southerner, but every person. It's called The Help (by Kathryn Stockett) and it is about Jackson, Miss in the Civil Rights movement and specifically, the African American "help" that was so rampant in white families during that time.
The book is written from the perspectives of 2 african american maids/nannies Aibileen and Minny, and one young college graduate, Ms. Skeeter. The maids are fantastic, and they are very easy to commiserate with. Aibileen lost her son a few years ago, and she devotes all of her time to raising "white babies." She currently works for one family who isn't really rich enough to have help, but the mother really doesn't like children that much, and just feels the need to keep up with the Joneses. Apparently, nearly all white families in Jackson had help to raise their babies and polish their silver. Seriously, what the heck is that all about??!!??!
Minny is a lot like I would imagine I would be if I were in her shoes. She's a bit sassy and sometimes struggles to shut her mouth. In fact, she's been fired from several white families for speaking her mind when she is wronged. (She does something else, too, but I won't spoil it for you.)
Miss Skeeter is a young, somewhat awkward girl who has been home from Ole Miss for a few months after graduation. She is caught between old Jackson and what she is "supposed to be" and the Civil Rights movement, and what she knows is right (and what she WANTS to be.) Skeeter is a bit awkward, very tall, not so cute, but is a brilliant and loving person. She is definitely a character you can relate to.
I highly recommend you read this book. It gives you quite a perspective on how things used to be, how far we've come, and how far we still have to go.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Doodle me this

So I have this Facebook friend that always posts his doodles. They are fascinating. It got me thinking... anyone who knows me knows that I doodle. All. the. time. So,I thought, hey, I will post my doodles.

This incessant doodling drives the hubs crazy sometimes because he doesn't think I am listening. Quite the contrary. I concentrate better when I am doodling than when I am just staring into space. I'm ust sayin'...

My favorite thing about doodling is trying out new pens or markers. I LOVE THEM. Actually, it may be an unhealthy love, but a love, nonetheless.
Here is a list of things I love about doodling:
1. it helps me concentrate and listen better in meetings.
2. In meetings where people are saying things I find preposterous -- and I want to speak up but shouldn't -- doodling helps me keep my mouth shut. Doodling furiously has, at times, helped save me from popping off at the mouth.
3. Doodling is a creative outlet. Of course, I realize I am in to swirls and dots right now, but dammit, they are my swirls and dots!
More doodles to come.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Worst. Pregnant Woman. Ever
Yes, I am talking about myself here. I hope you don't find me crass, but I HATE being pregnant. I mean, hate it with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. Don't get me wrong, I love having a baby (not having the baby, but having it here, with us, as a part of our family.) I am thankful that God has bless me and the Hubs with a beautiful little Toots McGhee and a new baby peanut, who should make his/her debut in May. But I really don't like the pregnancy part. I look awful. I feel awful. My skin is awful. You get it...pregnancy sucks.
Hubs says I have 2 moods right now: tired and hungry. Well, I've got news, it's only going to get worse. This time around, I have been making a conscious effort to eat better foods to help me in the long run. I'm eating fruit, I'm not eating as many sweets. Blah, blah, blah. I'm also trying to walk at least 6 miles a week (which I don't think is too shabby for a pregnant girl.)
Honestly, all I really want to do is sit on my couch and sleep. Or lie in my bed and sleep. Or put my head down on my desk and sleep. Or nod off in meetings or on conference calls. Oh, and when I'm awake, I'd love to just eat. But honestly, the weirdest craving I've had is Pho Saigon's Pho Ga. (For all of you out there who may not know, that is Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup.) Seriously, the best damn soup I've ever eaten. Hands down. No lie. It's the best, Jerry, the best! Before I dig into my soup, I like to partake in some shrimp spring rolls. Oh, and I got through nearly half a jar of chili garlic sauce -- some of the hottest stuff you can put in your mouth!
I know it will all be over soon and I will have a sweet little baby peanut to love and hold and coo with. But for now, I am trying to limit my complaining to a minimum (although Hubs would think and say otherwise.)
Oh wait, did you say something? I was sleeping..... and by the way, I'm hungry.
Hubs says I have 2 moods right now: tired and hungry. Well, I've got news, it's only going to get worse. This time around, I have been making a conscious effort to eat better foods to help me in the long run. I'm eating fruit, I'm not eating as many sweets. Blah, blah, blah. I'm also trying to walk at least 6 miles a week (which I don't think is too shabby for a pregnant girl.)
Honestly, all I really want to do is sit on my couch and sleep. Or lie in my bed and sleep. Or put my head down on my desk and sleep. Or nod off in meetings or on conference calls. Oh, and when I'm awake, I'd love to just eat. But honestly, the weirdest craving I've had is Pho Saigon's Pho Ga. (For all of you out there who may not know, that is Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup.) Seriously, the best damn soup I've ever eaten. Hands down. No lie. It's the best, Jerry, the best! Before I dig into my soup, I like to partake in some shrimp spring rolls. Oh, and I got through nearly half a jar of chili garlic sauce -- some of the hottest stuff you can put in your mouth!
I know it will all be over soon and I will have a sweet little baby peanut to love and hold and coo with. But for now, I am trying to limit my complaining to a minimum (although Hubs would think and say otherwise.)
Oh wait, did you say something? I was sleeping..... and by the way, I'm hungry.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Cancer Sucks
That headline is probably the most obvious headline I will ever write, but it is so true. It really sucks. I hate it. Nearly everyone I know has been affected by cancer in some way.
My father died of cancer. Tom's mom died of cancer. The majority of my dad's siblings died of cancer. Tom's mom's siblings died of cancer. And the list goes on. Recently, my 39-year-old cousin, who is healthy otherwise, was diagnosed with stage 2breast cancer. It is aggressive, so they decided her chemo should be aggressive.
She's taken 3 rounds of chemo so far, and there has been good news and bad news. The good news: the tumors have shrunk considerably. HOORAY! The bad news: she was admitted to the hospital yesterday because her blood count is high, she is terribly ill and has of all things, kidney stones.
So, I repeat... cancer sucks.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, please. You can learn more about her at
Also keep her parents in your thoughts and prayers. My aunt takes care of her mom (who is home bound) and they don't drive much in the big city.
My father died of cancer. Tom's mom died of cancer. The majority of my dad's siblings died of cancer. Tom's mom's siblings died of cancer. And the list goes on. Recently, my 39-year-old cousin, who is healthy otherwise, was diagnosed with stage 2breast cancer. It is aggressive, so they decided her chemo should be aggressive.
She's taken 3 rounds of chemo so far, and there has been good news and bad news. The good news: the tumors have shrunk considerably. HOORAY! The bad news: she was admitted to the hospital yesterday because her blood count is high, she is terribly ill and has of all things, kidney stones.
So, I repeat... cancer sucks.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, please. You can learn more about her at
Also keep her parents in your thoughts and prayers. My aunt takes care of her mom (who is home bound) and they don't drive much in the big city.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Crazy weather we're having.... though, not really
The hysteria that is Memphis when there is a small amount of snow on the ground is something to experience at least one time in your life. The city, nor its residents, are equipped to handle even half an inch of snow. I mean, Memphis doesn't even have one snow plow. (not that we really even need it.)
Don't get me wrong, I don't drive in it. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful husband who is a great driver and can navigate snow and ice. I could probably drive in the stuff and drive just fine, but all of the other crazies out there simply cannot.
Memphis drivers are the worst. Snow falling this morning and there are icy patches on the road, but my friend Pam said some maniac was swerving in and out of traffic on Poplar (a very heavily traveled and oftentimes small laned, 6 lane road) in his swanky new BMW. Good for the guy for having a Beemer, but gees, slow down already. Take your time. You work in Memphis, so half of your office won't be in anyway.
And the schools, don't even get me started. Some schools cancel at the mention of snow. Granted, if the roads are dangerous, there shouldn't be bus loads of children on them. But seriously, maybe there are icy spots on roads out in the county, but not in the city. Good call, Memphis City Schools, for being open today. (Sorry, Kids.)
Thank Goodness Doodle's school was open today. Good old CMDS.
Don't get me wrong, I don't drive in it. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful husband who is a great driver and can navigate snow and ice. I could probably drive in the stuff and drive just fine, but all of the other crazies out there simply cannot.
Memphis drivers are the worst. Snow falling this morning and there are icy patches on the road, but my friend Pam said some maniac was swerving in and out of traffic on Poplar (a very heavily traveled and oftentimes small laned, 6 lane road) in his swanky new BMW. Good for the guy for having a Beemer, but gees, slow down already. Take your time. You work in Memphis, so half of your office won't be in anyway.
And the schools, don't even get me started. Some schools cancel at the mention of snow. Granted, if the roads are dangerous, there shouldn't be bus loads of children on them. But seriously, maybe there are icy spots on roads out in the county, but not in the city. Good call, Memphis City Schools, for being open today. (Sorry, Kids.)
Thank Goodness Doodle's school was open today. Good old CMDS.
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