I'm not in shock at all.
I know everyone keeps going on and on about Tiger Woods and his "trangressions." I must admit, I've watch a few entertainment shows about it. (Plus, it's really hard not to keep up with the Tiger news when even ESPN has a special "Tiger Ticker" going across the bottom of its college basketball coverage.
Let's just say that I am not surprised in the least. Sure, he's a great golfer. Arguably the best, but he isn't a nice person. He really never has been. "Oh, but Dawn, he's been so good for the game by being a person of color." Uh, Tiger has never really claimed to be an African-American. He touts his diversity as "Cau-bl-in-asion" as in caucasian, black, indian, asian. Last time I checked, that wasn't African-American. Strike One.
"But Dawn, he gives so much money to St. Jude..." And? He has a ton of it. He should give money to St. Jude. It doesn't really make him a good person. It just means someone has advised him to give back. Besides, he's never played in the St. Jude Golf Tournament, even though he is a huge contributor to the hospital and to Target House here in Memphis. He knows how much more money it would bring, but he still has yet to play. (Some may think this is a weak argument...)
"But Dawn, he's been such a great role model for young, black athletes." Really? Let's see, he has a horrible temper, and curses when he doesn't make a shot. He is a bad sport and a big baby. He yells, he doesn't sign autographs, he isn't that nice to children or fans on the course. Yes, he is a great golfer, likely the best, but he ought to be. His father groomed him to play golf and be a pro golfer by the time he could walk. He was born to be one of the world's best golfers. He didn't really have much of a childhood, it was consumed by golf.
"Still, Dawn, it's a shame that something like this has happened to an American icon." I disagree. We all make choices. He married arguably one of the most beautiful women in the world. If he wasn't ready to stop f-ing around, then he shouldn't have married her. Obviously, Elin doesn't sit on the side lines, and good for her. If the rumors about her are true, then perhaps Nike Golf should replace Tiger as a spokesperson with her. Perhaps the LPGA now has a new player. Seems she can really swing a club!
I know that given the right circumstances, almost everyone can be tempted to commit "transgressions," but a 31-month "transgression?" I don't think so. (of course, that is if one of his alleged 3 mistresses is telling the truth.)
So, chalk Tiger Woods up to one of the many, many people who cheat on their spouses. And it's not just men. Women are guilty of indiscretion, as well.
As a PR person, it's funny to me that his ridiculous statement posted on his web site turned the tables on the media to place blame. The same media who have put him on this pedestal and have made him the icon that he is. Just goest to show you the type of society we live in, and that one bad move in life and in the media will tarnish your image forever. And yes, my professional PR opinion, is that his image is tarnished. Actually, I think his true image is just now shining through.
I just read your blog and really enjoyed it. I agree with you, Tiger isn't a good person or a role model. And WHY do these type of guys get married in the first place? Why don't they just stay single and sleep with every bimbo they please. Marriage isn't for everyone. Take George Clooney for instance, he hasn't married because he doesn't want to stop sleeping with beautiful women - now that's a guy who I respect.
ReplyDeletehear hear! Just catching up with your blog and love this post... :) Totally agree with all your points.