Is anyone surprised at this Jesse James nonsense? I certainly am not. The man was married to a porn star for Goodness sakes (note to all the porn stars out there reading my blog--it is your business if you want to be a porn star, not mine, so go right ahead.)
But our sweet, funny, beautiful Sandra Bullock? For that skanky looking woman? Seriously, Jesse, what were you thinking? Yes, I know you are loaded with tatoos and like motorcycles and other fast things (perhaps that's why you "allegedly had an affair" with the self-proclaimed "bombshell.") More like "train wreck," but whatever. She certainly isn't America's sweetheart like Sandra. Trust me, you've gotta see this girl. And I am not opposed to tattoos. I know lovely people who have many tattoos and I don't discriminate because you choose to be inked, but what you don't see in the photos is this woman has a tattoo on her forehead that reads, "Pray for us sinners." Classy.

Now Jesse is no different than any other celebrity. He has women throwing themselves at him on any given day and I certainly understand there is temptation, but when you get married, you have to resist that. And if you screw up, which many celebrities as well as regular people often do, you have to accept your actions, apologize and move on. So, Jesse James, I commend you for apologizing to your lovely wife, Sandra Bullock, but I have to question your written statement. (If Tom issued me a written apology, it better be accompanied by a LOT more, I'm just sayin'...)
As I love to do in my blog, I have decided to translate your statement.
"The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment.
Translation: I slept with "the Bombshell" on more than one occassion. I just cant resist a totally tattooed woman. She was so classy, Sandra, I just couldn't help it! I mean, one of her tattoos says Pray for us sinners... so i thought, Hey, she's gotta be a good girl if she is praying for me.
"There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.
Translation: I didn't really confess in the first part of the statement, but this should tell you that I did it. I'm sorry I got caught.
"This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."
Translation: I am embarrassed that I got caught, I thought I was more discreet than that. And I hate that this has come out after my beautiful wife just received her first Academy Award. The timing stinks for her. And me, because I got caught...
Jesse James, you're not so bright. But here's my advice to Sandra Bullock, there are plenty of great men out there that won't cheat on you with those kind of women -- or any other kind of women. My husband is one of them. Niw, I don't want you coming to Memphis and sweeping him off his feet, but you are at the top of his Top 5 list, so I would have to let it happen. But I will certainly put up a fight...
Hang in there, girl.
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