A: Airplane: Santa was nice enough to bring Tripp an airplane that flies around. However, it doesn't fly so well. Guess the elves were a bit too busy with other toys and this one didn't go through QA.
B: Butterfly: my first real Christmas present that Tripp picked out just for me... a beautiful silver butterfly necklace with a real diamond (albeit a very small diamond chip. I will treasure it forever.)
C: COOKIES! Tripp made some great cookies for Santa. Chocolate chip and some pretty fancy sugar cookies. Santa must have liked them, because he ate them. All.

D. Drawings: Tripp got an awesome art set from Aunt Laura, Uncle Jeff, Taylor and Jordan. Awesome pictures have been drawn already, and best of all... it is all contained in the same case.
E. Eyes: gotta have sharp eyes to play I Spy on the new Leapster Video Game Tripp got from Santa.
F. FREEZE DIRTBAG!!!!! As in, what cops yell. Aunt Sherri and Uncle Rick got Tripp some really cool costumes -- a police office and a ninja. Dress up, anyone?

G. Games: Loud Hungry, Hungry Hippos and a cool game with numbers-- 123 Stomp! Perfect for family game night.
H. Home Depot Work Bench: Santa must really listen to Tripp, because "wow, I always wanted one of these, but I forgot to ask for it."
I. I Spy: see E (also one of Tripp's favorite game to play in the car, even though Mommy gets very tired of playing it.)
J. Jail rings: When opening the police officer gift from Aunt Sherri and Uncle Rick, Tripp says, "ooh, its a police officer uniform and cool, it comes with Jail Rings!!!" (read: hand cuffs)
K. Kisses and Kindle: Seriously, Santa loves us, because I got the two best kinds of kisses there are: Lots of Hershey kisses in my stocking, and kisses from my two favorite boys! My sweet husband also got me a Kindle from Amazon. Love. it.
L. Lasagna: What's the best no-fuss Christmas dinner for five? Stouffer's Lasagna.
M: Memphis Tigers: Seems everyone will show their Tiger Pride in Tiger Blue. Tripp got a fantastic Tiger sweatshirt from Mama Sue; I got a Tiger hoodie and t-shirt; Tom got a cool Tiger pullover and a license plate from Tripp. Go Big Blue!
N: Nieces: My two little nieces, Taylor and Jordan, also had a really great visit from Santa. When asked what Taylor got from Santa, the first thing she yelled to me was, "Santa brought me Hannah Montana panties!!!!!" And Jordan, "I got Minnie panties!!!!!!" (Forget about the other cool gifts, these girls got character panties. A dream come true for a 4 year old and a 2 year old.)

O. Ornaments: Tripp loves our tree. Also loves to move the ornaments around. You just never know where they are when you walk into the room.
P: Pa: Tripp's grandpa came in a day early to avoid the nasty weather in Milwaukee and Chicago. Good thing he came in on Wednesday, because he probably wouldn't have made it yesterday. We're glad he came to be with Tripp this Christmas.
Q: Questions: Maybe the best question from Tripp this entire Christmas season. "How do adults know Santa's secret phone number?" Answer: "Santa gives it to us so we can let him know how good or bad the kids have been. He has a lot of kids to keep tabs on." Question: "Can I have that phone number so I can call him???"
R: Racer, as in Speed Racer. Awesome Speed Racer car from Kay-Kay and Mr. Mike. An actual replica of the Mach 5 (on a 1:24 scale, of course.) Doors open and everything.
S: Star Wars: Play video games on Leapster, you will. Learn to spell with Yoda, you will. Wear earphones when playing, you will.
Sleeping Bag: Tripp is all ready to go camping with his new sleeping bag. And it's camo, so no one will see him. Only question now, who's gonna take him. I so hate camping.

T: Tag Reading System Awesome gift from Pa. Very cool reading system, with Cat in the Hat book and Lightning McQueen and Mater going Tractor Tippin'. Thanks, Pa!!!
U: Unbelievable: As in, its unbelievable how much love my son has for his unborn sibling already. He is so excited about it, he just can't wait until May!
V: Video Games: Tripp's at that age where some of his friends already have a Wii or an X Box. I refuse to get one of those right now, so Tom and I had a little talk with Santa and we were able to compromise...with a Leapster 2 handheld video game. Tripp loves it.
W: WOW! We heard a lot of that on Christmas morning while opening gifts. Seems Tripp really enjoyed opening the presents from Santa and family.
X: Okay, I wish I could think of something for X, but I just can't.
Y: Yelling: No yelling today, on this day of Jesus' birth. Hallelujah! It's not that we mean to yell, it's just that we have loud voices and Tripp gets excited. I'm sure we will get back to normal (yelling) tomorrow.
Z: Zoo: if we had a big family, that's what our house would be. We already have a bit of a small zoo around here, but it would be a full-rate, first class zoo with more folks. (Thank Goodness for Christmas miracles, although I wish Tom's family could have been with us.)
And now, a few more words that wouldn't quite fit neatly into my ABC's.
Pickles: Tripp got a Pickle Launcher gun from Miss Melissa. Very big Hit.
Scrooge: typically, I'm a scrooge when it comes to the holidays, but this year, I've done really well. Guess that's what having a child will do to you.
Hope: We celebrated Christmas Eve service at Hope Presbyterian Church. Along with 23,000 other people, throughout 7 services. Beautiful candlelight service.
Thankful: Tripp was so excited and thankful that Pa was here with him for Christmas. It really was a special Christmas for him. He even had Mama Sue here for Christmas dinner too, and that's pretty special to have both grandparents in the same room.

All in all, we had a fantastic Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone. We are blessed to have a home, jobs, food, wonderful friends and family. (plus, no one was sick this year... a major plus for us.)
Merry Christmas!!!!!!